Helping you put your best face forward.

Beauty is finding confidence in your own skin, and we could not be more honored to help you along your journey. We’re a team of licensed professionals dedicated to making our clients feel safe, comfortable, and confident with the latest aesthetic treatments and procedures.



Without making it feel so…. clinical. We believe in having your cake and eating it too, with clinically proven treatments, licensed and insured aestheticians, ambient lighting, heated beds, bottled water on demand, friendly staff with a sense of humor, easy 24/7 booking, and products + services you can trust. You CAN have it all. We put an emphasis on building relationships and serving our clients in a warm, welcoming environment.



Proud Partners With

Honey Glow Beauty Co.

A unique salon In Lynnwood

Welcome to Honey Glow Beauty Company, where beauty meets results through ethical practices. Our passion for aesthetics drives us to provide exceptional services that enhance your natural beauty and deliver the results you desire. Our team of skilled professionals is dedicated to upholding the highest standards of integrity and transparency in every service we offer. From rejuvenating skincare to innovative beauty enhancements, we are committed to helping you look and feel your best!

Facial Treatments that Illuminate:

Luxuriate in our distinctive facial treatments crafted to rejuvenate and invigorate your skin. Our expert estheticians adopt a personalized approach, tailoring each session to suit your individual skin type and concerns. Whether you seek hydration, anti-aging solutions, clear skin, or a luminous complexion, our facial treatments will leave you feeling revitalized and refreshed.

Precision Brow Services for Arch Perfection:

Elevate your look with our precision brow services that redefine ordinary beauty standards. We understand the transformative power of a perfect arch, enhancing your facial features and framing your eyes exquisitely. From shaping to tinting, we'll sculpt brows that complement your unique style, leaving you with a refined and sophisticated appearance to fully enhance your natural features .

Meticulous Microblading for Effortless Elegance:

Bid farewell to a daily brow routine with transformative microblading services. Achieve naturally defined brows that effortlessly frame your face. Meghan is a highly skilled microblading artist with years of experience! She will use precision combined with artistry to create realistic hair-like strokes. Enjoy a flawless finish that can endure for years. Wake up every day with impeccable brows that enhance your innate beauty.

SkinPen Microneedling & BioRepeel

Our premium services include SkinPen Microneedling and the BioRePeel. These specialty treatments set us apart and provide our clients with the leading edge of aesthetic services.